Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Codes & Conventions of Rap Magazines

-A bold title containing vibrant and contrasting colours to catch eyes. Covers a large amount of the top half of of the page. 

-A large portrait of the rapper/artist looking as if they are in charge/control. All focus on half-shot of artist (because they're the main focus). 

-The main article is advertised in bold, contrasting colours to make the text stand out from other writing on the page. 

-Plain, basic background colour. This means that the main parts of the front page are emphasized due to the contrast. 


From my analysis of the codes and conventions of a rap magazine, I have learned several valuable pieces of information. One of these things is that the main focus of the magazines is to promote new, up and coming artists (hence the fact the artists are always the centre of attention on the cover pages). Another thing I learned is that branding is very important, this is made brutally clear when you see that the title on all rap magazines are the most colourful and large items of font on the front cover. This is because there are not many rap magazines so they must be easier to recognise as a result of this. A third thing I learnt from my research into codes and conventions of a rap magazine is, that almost every front cover consists of a mid-shot of an artist and nothing is obstructing the view of this artist.                                                                                                                                                                   

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